WeChat Now Have Features Loans
4:54 AM
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Jakarta - Instant messaging applications in recent offer not only a mere chatting function. Various kinds of interesting features were offered, ranging from stickers, video call, to borrow money. Why?
Do not be surprised, features 'debt' this is being implemented by the origin of the Chinese Internet company, Tencent, through the application WeChat. Applications that obtain 355 million active users in 2014 is now also providing debt service in a matter of minutes.
The service is named Weilidai. As reported by Ubergizmo on the pages of The Wall Street Journal, Sunday (09/14/2015), Weilidai itself when diharfiahkan means 'little loan money'.
By Weilidai users can borrow a maximum amount of 200 yuan (USD 31 350), or approximately USD 446 million when converted at current exchange rates. The loan was disbursed by WeBank, Internet bank launched by Tencent and sejimlah financial firms in China.
Interestingly, in lending Tencent does not charge any guarantees or collateral even to the borrower. Somewhat desperate, because such systems may lead to misuse of the user itself.
For now, the service Weilidai only valid in China. This unique service was then got the attention of netizens the world. Some users commented Facrbook there is any debt service WeChat tilted about this.
"Get ready to cause a lot of fraud," said one Facebook user to comment on the service.
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