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Roads Guide Through Instagram

Adi Fida Rahman - detikinet

Manado - Indonesia's stunning natural beauty. It is recognized to foreign countries. To enjoy the charms of beauty, you do not need to spend a dime of money. How can?

Increased Instagram users in Indonesia made a number of parties to organize a number of social media-based campaign in the photo. Now this is not just a gadget prize. But offers a free trip to the famous tourist attraction.

It is already being felt by Pratt Adi Nugroho, Ivanovick Dityadhi and Dicky Sugiharto. The three winners of the competition Indosat Instrastory Instagram Culinary Challenge with the theme of the Thousand Thousand Faces Ramadan and Fasting.

They dispatched an identical operator with yellow around the city of Manado for three days and two nights (11-13 September 2015). Together with three other winners, they are invited to explore Christ Blessing, Lake Tondano, Linow to dive Bunaken marine park.

Capital only post photos they finally enjoy the beauty of the Church of the Thousand city. But it needs a little extra effort. The three admitted to sending quite a lot of work to Indosat Instrastory Instagram Challenge.

"I send 6 photos," said Pratt. The same answer also expressed Ivanovick were sent by the same amount.

Both Dicky, Primary and Ivanovick pleaded not so expect to be a champion. But all three still trying to qualify the proposed organizer and posted an interesting photo.

"Had other participants view images by tracing hastag. Then I try to post photos that are unique and different," said Ivan originating from Yogyakarta.

In addition to roads, the winners participated science presented two instagram ointment and Arie Arifin Achionk Novwan. Both give some tips to make it more interesting and in-like a lot of people.

When met at the sidelines of Instrastory Instagram Challenge, Astrid Damanik, the Ministry of Online Media Partnership and Digital Content Stategy Indosat said it conducted a series of assessments before deciding the winner. The first screening is done according to the theme.

Astrid exemplifies Thousand culinary theme when Ramadhan, should display the picture of food that exists only in the fasting month and as much as possible is made with a more interesting composition so different from the others. Furthermore, the story behind the photo.

"His name Instastory, so it made the story underneath. I think, a great pity if a photo was not accompanied by a story. So people who look to know the story behind the photo," said the woman who often called Zizi.

Further Zizi explained that they are not so concerned about what the device used by the participants. However, depending on the theme held.

"Camera phones are now the results have been very good. No less a DSLR camera, just make the story better," he said.

Further Zizi said the program will continue until the end of the year. Nearby in October, pity he did not want to mention the theme of what is to be held.

But he made sure not to be much of a theme Discovery Indonesia. The prize itself, Zizi said, promising it places more interesting.

WeChat Now Have Features Loans

Jakarta - Instant messaging applications in recent offer not only a mere chatting function. Various kinds of interesting features were offered, ranging from stickers, video call, to borrow money. Why?

Do not be surprised, features 'debt' this is being implemented by the origin of the Chinese Internet company, Tencent, through the application WeChat. Applications that obtain 355 million active users in 2014 is now also providing debt service in a matter of minutes.

The service is named Weilidai. As reported by Ubergizmo on the pages of The Wall Street Journal, Sunday (09/14/2015), Weilidai itself when diharfiahkan means 'little loan money'.

By Weilidai users can borrow a maximum amount of 200 yuan (USD 31 350), or approximately USD 446 million when converted at current exchange rates. The loan was disbursed by WeBank, Internet bank launched by Tencent and sejimlah financial firms in China.

Interestingly, in lending Tencent does not charge any guarantees or collateral even to the borrower. Somewhat desperate, because such systems may lead to misuse of the user itself.

For now, the service Weilidai only valid in China. This unique service was then got the attention of netizens the world. Some users commented Facrbook there is any debt service WeChat tilted about this.

"Get ready to cause a lot of fraud," said one Facebook user to comment on the service.

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CEO YesBoss Irzan Raditya (dok.pribadi)

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1. Fotokopi KTP, SIM C, STNK, KK
2. Surat Keterangan Domisili apabila KTP dan tempat tinggal beda
3. Jaminan asli BPKB / Ijazah terakhir / KK / Akte Lahir / Buku Nikah
4. Usia maksimal 55 th
5. Pendidikan terakhir SMP
6. Wajib menghadirkan motor saat seleksi
7. Wajib memakai Sepatu

Khususnya di kota Jakarta

1. Mengambil nomor pendaftaran. Untuk memperoleh nomor pendaftaran: SMS ke 081283687207, format: NamaLengkap_TanggalLahir_NomorHP (Contoh: “BambangSetiawan 17Mei1974 0899123455”). Waktu : Senin – Jumat, 09:00 – 13:00 WIB. Anda akan mendapat konfirmasi balasan: NamaLengkap_Nomor_Tanggal.

2. Pada tanggal yang ditentukan, mohon datang ke Gedung AKA, Jalan Bangka Raya No. 2, antara jam 7 – 10 pagi. Bawa: Motor yang digunakan, persyaratan, dan jaminan seperti yang dijelaskan di bawah. Tunjukkan SMS yang telah diterima.

3. Akan dilanjutkan dengan proses seleksi dan training.

Untuk kota-kota lain silahkan menghubungi alamat-alamat sebagai berikut:


Jl. M Yusuf No. 9, Mekarjaya, Depok
Telp. 0812.9326.0862 / 0877.8258.7147

Seleksi dan Training di tempat
Training Android dan bagi atribut di Gd AKA


Jl. Raya Serpong KM 7 No. 64
Lampu Merah Gading Serpong, Depan Toko Cat Warna Abadi/Indomaret


Waterbom Kuta
Jl Kartika Plaza
Tuban, Bali


Ruko Paskal Hypersquare
Blok A - 9
Pasir Kaliki, Bandung


Jl Raya Jagir Wonokromo No 100
Ruko Mangga Dua Jagir
Blok B 5 No 8
Wonokromo, Surabaya

cara pesan transportasi go-jek di smartphone android

1. masuk pada menu transportasi lalu isikan dengan lengkap. lokasi kita, alamat lengkap

contoh sebagai berikut

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dapat email

cara mendaftar layanan go-jek di smartphone android

Setelah berhasil install aplikasi go-jek di smartpbone android, kemudian kita harus setting aturan untuk bisa menggunakan layanan aplikasi gojek

1. buka aplikasi gojek, kemudian pilih pada menu setting bergambar roda gila

2. akan muncul beberapa menu, dan pilih menu SIGN UP yang berada paling dasar, kita harus daftarkan diri melalui menu ini

muncul formulir yang harus diisikan data kita

3. Isikan data kita sesuai formulir yang telah muncul, gambar dibawah ini adalah contoh pengisian formulir

4. Anda akan mendapatkan SMS untuk verifikasi kode data diri

5. Masukkan kode verifikasi yang di sms, pada kotak verification code, dan klik submit

Demikian kita telah berhasil melakukan pendaftaran aplikasi go-jek untuk bisa mendapatkan layanannya, tutorial selanjutnya adalah cara memesan transportasi go-jek

Cara Install Applikasi Go-jek di smartphone

Go-jek adalah layanan transportasi ojek yang bisa dipesan melalui aplikasi berbasis smartphone, go-jek mempunyai berbagai layanan selain jasa antar orang, yaitu jasa antar barang, antar makanan dan juga belanja. go-jek saat ini melayani daerah jakarta, bandung, bali dan surabaya.

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1. buka aplikasi play store di android smartphone kita, ditunjukkan pada gambar dibawah

2. Ketik kata "Gojek Indonesia" di kotak Search playstore, maka akan muncul dilayar daftar aplikasi yang kita maksud, lihat gambar dibawah

3. pilih tombol install untuk merapkan aplikasi gojek di smartphone kita

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demikian tutorial cara install aplikasi go-jek, selanjutnya kita harus mendaftarkan diri untuk bisa memesan layanan go-jek, ikuti tutorial mendaftar layanan go-jek


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